There is a church downtown. It is a big one, both in membership and structure. That church is rich in everything; money, gifts, talents, abilities, professionals in various fields, and especially, members burning with fire. What is most remarkable about them is their powerful manifestation of the spiritual gifts and ministries. There are prophets, pastors, teachers, counselors, evangelists, singers, men, and women of wisdom, of sound knowledge, of great understanding, and deep insight. In fact, the church reflects everything godly and spiritual one can ever imagine, and especially as far as 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, and Ephesians 4:11 are concerned. Their character is also unquestionable, no news of mismanagement, misconduct, or indecency.
All these are no cause for alarm, save that all their reputation begins and ends in their church. There is none of them highly esteemed in any other sphere of life besides church work. Titles like Barrister, Engineer, Architect, Honorable, and more, are rarely heard among them, as almost everyone is called Apostle, Man of God, Minister, Reverend and so on. What is much more alarming is the fact that the schools, banks, public and private offices, places of business around, are in moral decline. In fact, the very street on which this church is, is full of thieves, prostitutes, drunkards, smokers, broken families, whereas these power-packed church members are busy ‘serving the Lord.’
Another interesting thing is that this church is not the only of its kind in town. There is another of such power-packed churches in the next town, and the one next to it, and in the next and the next… the whole state is full of such churches and the state next to it and the whole country too. And the countries around it as well. In fact, all parts of the world have these churches [and members] on fire. But what happens in the streets, markets, schools, banks, and other establishments in these same towns, states, and countries? There is corruption, immorality, disharmony, disorder, war, and all kinds of vices. This is because the world has more of the perpetrators of these evils than those of these power-packed churches. Their members have chosen to remain in there while the world around them is decaying. Are you also a member of this church? I am! So, what must we do?
Christ said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (living being) … and they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen” (Mark 16:15, 20). This was the Lord’s command to his first apostles. And they did obey that command. That is why we have the kind of church described in the story above. Those apostles preached the gospel handed to them by the Lord everywhere, and those who succeeded them preached the same until it reached the entire world. If they did not, there would be no such churches, with the gifted, talented people locked up in them, while the world around them decays. Jesus did not say, “Go gather ye into all the churches.” However, most Christians today focus more attention on their churches, bearing high profile titles, collecting tithes, organizing revivals — which are not bad, whereas the church was supposed to be equipping people and sending them ‘into all the world’ for proclaiming the gospel, and conquering it for Christ. The apostle Paul and others like Philip, Barnabas, Silas, did not stay in churches but went various places, preaching the gospel. See Acts 8:4, 13:1-3, and chapters 14 to 21.
An immense number of Christians today want only comfort. We are comfortable in our churches whereas there are places around us yet to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many people yet to be reached. They are all over, in schools, banks, markets, villages, towns, industries, government establishments, organizations and similar institutions. We do not always go to those places and preach Christ but are often competing with ourselves in the church. Who speaks in tongues the most? Whose church has the biggest congregation? Who attends the best church? Which church is the holiest or truest? We think enough has been done already, and like Joshua, we are satisfied with the status quo of Christianity as it is. We feel there are many Christians (saved) already, so God can go ahead and destroy the rest of the world — just like Joshua thought he had conquered enough land, until God shocked him: “Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed” (Joshua 13:1). The church is over Two Thousand years old, but God is still saying, “There is yet America to be possessed; there is yet Africa; there is yet Asia; there is yet Europe; the whole world, to be possessed for Jesus.” It seems like there are Christians in every part of the world, but it is not enough. How many countries of the world, how many states, districts, kingdoms, dynasties, organizations, associations, schools, and other entities around the world are governed or ruled by Christians? As far as the unbelievers in power, the church will continue to suffer persecution. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Also, Psalms 125:3 says, “For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.” As far as those who are not Christians are in charge, Christians are not safe.
God wants His kingdom to be established on earth. He wants His reign all over the earth. We the citizens of His kingdom (Ephesians 2:19-20) are the ones to establish it on earth. That is why we declare in the Our Father, ‘THY KINGDOM COME, and THY WILL BE DONE.’ (Luke 11:2). The kingdom will not come by words alone. We must take action to enforce it. It must not necessarily be by arms like certain religions are/were spread. The missionaries of the Twentieth Century used education, arts, and medicine as powerful tools in spreading the gospel, by building health care facilities, schools, and other infrastructure. If they had only priests and nuns as missionaries who were not skilled in these areas, little or nothing would have been achieved. We too must use our careers, professions, skills, and talents to spread the gospel.
Unlike Joshua, Caleb had a different mindset. He said, “And now behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, as he said, these forty and five years, even since the Lord spake this word unto Moses… and now lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old (Eighty five years old). As yet, I am as I was in the day that Moses sent me… Now therefore, give me this mountain… if so be the Lord will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the Lord said.” This was a man who wanted a fulfillment of the word of God and his promise pertaining to him. He knew he would and demanded for it. He did not only remind Joshua about it but asked to be given the land, that he would conquer it for God, if God be with him. In Mark 16:15-20, the word of God pertaining to the apostles was to ‘go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, and they went everywhere… and God was with them…’ That is the same command to us even today. Like Caleb, let us heed the ‘Thy Kingdom come’ that we pray, and know that God is with us (Isaiah 7:14, John 14:16) and conquer the world for His kingdom. It is not enough to be in the church bearing titles and making little or no impact in the world.
There are mountains all around us that need to be conquered. Ask for one and conquer for Christ. I do not mean Kilimanjaro, or Sinai, or Everest! These mountains are governance (leadership/politics), the media, entertainment, education, business, family, and religion. These mountains are ruling the world, and if Christians are the ones in control of them, it means the Kingdom of God is in control. There are also gates to be occupied in the various levels of society: law, medicine, economics, architecture, writing, engineering. There are institutions and platforms, the internet, government, schools, and more. some of which are not promoting God’s kingdom. All these are in moral decadence because only few or none of God’s people are there. God’s people are busy in the churches and yet, little or no impact is being felt.
The truth is some people do not identify the places God has appointed them for. They fail to identify opportunities. God wanted Joshua to conquer the whole land of Canaan for Israel. The mighty soldier did not realize until he was already old. Others like Daniel and his friends, Mordecai (Daniel 2:49, Esther 2:21) knew where God had appointed them to be and occupied accordingly. Daniel asked that his friends be appointed overseers over provinces but requested to be stationed at the gate. Mordecai too, sat by the gate. There, they influenced policies in the favor of God’s people. Daniel’s friends were in positions of authority and had a say in decisions affecting their people. There are gates that we as Christians must occupy, to ensure that things are done in God’s way, to ensure that Christ is honored and glorified, to ensure that our faith is not prejudiced.
In the government, certain decisions are being made, which do not favor the church. If there is no voice to speak for the church, Christians will only watch and have nothing to do to change such decisions. Imagine if the government decides to raise a structure where a church building or settlement is situated, and they move to demolish it… If there is no Christian in the government to intervene, down will everything go. As seen, all over the world, the church is under serious persecution. In most developed countries, especially America and Europe, they seem to be too developed to need God. The government is modeled after secular and ungodly ideologies. Their leaders pay allegiance to demonic powers. And so, Christians are denied access to many benefits. In Asia, the government is in the hands of entirely different religions. The same applies to most parts of Africa. The few leaders who bear Christian identities do not even serve God in sincerity. A considerable number of political leaders are alleged occult members. How can these favor the church? Christian communities are being attacked and killed, and there is no one in the government to make a statement. In fact, some of them sponsor the attacks. Again, resolutions affecting Christian values and moral standards are passed in the legislature. As far as the number of Christians in the House is the minority, nothing can be done to counter such decisions. An example is the abortion rights legalized in some Western countries.
In education, Christian values are being undermined. Certain school authorities and administrators are not of the faith. They do not even allow Christian Students’ Fellowships on some campuses. Christian students are denied admission. Ideologies are inculcated, which oppose the faith and promote ungodliness. Where are those to stand and defend the faith? It is obvious that without education, there will not be reasonable development. For instance, lawyers, doctors, accountants, architects, geographers, and other professionals must pass through school, to qualify as practitioners. And these are mostly the ones that control the affairs of the state. They are the ones who occupy the mountains and the gates. If they are not of Christ, they cannot be for Christians (Matthew 12:30; 10:25).
In the entertainment sector, it is mostly secular and immoral ideologies that are being promoted. Music, movies, magazines, are all about drugs, sex, and money. They promote Satanism. Most movies are centered on themes like vengeance, divorce, magic, and other ungodly practices; not discouraging them but promoting them. How many of them teach forgiveness, love, peace, and other things that will better the world? Modeling exhibits a negative version of fashion. It does not preach Christ. There is a high level of immodesty.
The media too, both the news media and social media are tearing the world apart. Most of what is reported in the news and circulated on social media only casts despair, propagates hatred, discrimination. Bad news is being spread faster than the good, just to put people under unrest. It is all propaganda and deceit. What of the television channels? The greatest percentage are music, sports, entertainment, fashion, and movie-dominated. Only a few are of the faith. What children watch is what they will become. Those they look up to as models are mostly not even Christians. The church must awaken and take charge of the media. On the internet, pornography, nudity, and other immoralities make up most of the sites. They have slowly been indoctrinated into people, consciously and unconsciously.
We are Ambassadors of Christ, and for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). In the church, there are different gifts and ministries (1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Ephesians 4:11). As much as these are for building and equipping the church, they should not remain in the church. They must be used to transform the world around us. The wisdom given by God should be explored by members of the church in administering the government, schools, and other establishments. Therefore, Christians must go to these places: entertainment, politics, business, education, media. to dominate for Christ. The same applies to other gifts. It was the wisdom, knowledge and insight God gave Daniel and his friends that they used in administering the provinces appointed for them. We must not remain in church. We must go out and preach. Like fire that is set to a forest and consumes it, we must consume the world with the gospel of Christ using our God-given gifts, talents, and abilities, our anointing, our empowerment.
The gospel is not for the church; it is for the world. The churches must preach this!
[1] The article THE GOSPEL IS NOT FOR THE CHURCH was originally written and published in 2018 in the Learned Mind Magazine, Christian Law Students Association of Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria.